December 11, 2017


Miscellaneous Resources

The Chinese say that whoever practices T’ai-Chi, correctly and regularly, twice a day over a period of time will gain the pliability of a child, the health of a lumberjack, and the peace of mind of a sage.

—Cheng Man-ch’ing and Robert W. Smith, Tai Chi, Tuttle Publishing, 1966

The menu here offers some resources for further study of the ancient Chinese practices of tai chi and qigong. There are many books written about the subject and many web resources. Not all are factually, historically, or physiologically accurate. The resources listed here, however, offer insights into the practice that we hope will aid you in your own practice and journey to understanding. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Fredericksburg Internal Movement Arts Community.

Practitioners should consult their doctor before engaging in the exercises featured herein. Users practice at their own risk.

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