
Major Principles of Tai Chi Body Posture and Position Maintain upright, relaxed position Hold head and neck naturally erect, with mind concentrated on the crown of the head Round it: Keep chest slightly inward, shoulders relaxed, pelvis tucked Ground it: Sink shoulders, elbows, ground feet, knees slightly bent over ball of feet Relax the waist Read more about Principles[…]

Useful URLs

The following websites offer useful information about tai chi and qigong, especially with regard to health. The YouTube URLs below offer instructional videos as labeled. The views and links therein do not necessarily represent the views of the Fredericksburg Internal Movement Arts Community. They are intended to serve as aids in your pursuit of better Read more about Useful URLs[…]


Harriet Beinfield and Efrem Korngold, Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine, Ballantine Books, New York, 1991. Authored by long-time practitioners of acupuncture and herbal medicine, this guide combines eastern traditions and western ideas in a comprehensive, understandable format. Includes detailed descriptions of the Five Elements are how they relate to personality types Read more about Books[…]

Bafa Wubu

Based on Bafa Wubu as taught by Amin Wu (see Useful URLs)–13 Postures: 8 Methods, or Energies (Standing), 5 Steps (Moving). Performed by Scott Santulli. Section One Standing Commence Ward Off Left Roll Back Right Press Left Open (glance down right), Push Grab & Pull Right Split Left Elbow Strike Left Shoulder Strike Right Ward Read more about Bafa Wubu[…]